Collecting art as a couple


Collecting art as a couple, here is a subject for which there is little or no information. Is this a widespread practice? What is at stake? How to choose when there are two of you? We have tried, quite modestly, to address the subject.

For this exhibition, we sent a proposal to six couples who visit Galerie 3. We chose people with different realities. In fact, our group reflects a wide variety of ages, places of residence, income, jobs, education, personalities, etc. Already, this exercise has allowed us to confirm our intuition and shake up certain stereotypes: it is not only money or education that prompts us to collect, but a complex set of factors.

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Just like curators, our collectors had constraints. Each person had to choose one to three pieces in the Galerie 3’s inventory.  Throughout the process, participants had the choice of whether to discuss the project with their partners. Afterwards, they had to answer questions with a few lines.

You are invited to come and discover the result of this exciting experience that seeks to take a fresh look at this little-known practice.


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In the media :
Ici Québec + : Claudia Genel – Collectionner l’art en couple
Ici Première : Anne-Josée Cameron – Collectionner l’art en couple
L’Aérospatial, CKRL 89,1: Gentiane La France et Myriam Le Lan – Collectionner l’art en couple